These are the most Frequently Asked Questions our Customers have about Tofu.

What is Wabi Sabi?

In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi (侘寂) is a world view centered on the acceptance of imperfection. The aesthetic is described as one of appreciating beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete" in nature.

How is Tofu different from Paneer?

Tofu is made from Soy Milk similar to how Paneer (Cottage Cheese) is made from cow's milk.

Tofu is a nutritious and healthy source of micronutrients and it is ideal for weight watchers due to its very low fat and calorie count while being nutritionally dense.  Tofu is suitable for people with lactose/dairy intolerance.

Is Tofu Gluten-free?

Yes, WabiSabi™ Tofu is naturally gluten free.

Is Tofu Vegetarian?

Yes, Wabi Sabi®  Tofu is naturally 100% vegetarian, vegan and does not contain any animal sourced products.

How to store Tofu at home?

Store the packaged tofu in your fridge, maintaining an optimum temperature of 2°C  to 5°C. Our state of the art vacuum packaging protects and keeps the tofu fresh for up to 30 days without any preservatives.

After opening, keep the tofu block submerged in clean water and refrigerate till you are ready to use it. We recommend changing the water after every 12 hours.

How to prepare Tofu for cooking?

We recommend opening the pack when you’re ready to use the tofu. Soak the tofu block in clean water for a few minutes, then pat it dry with paper towels. Your delicious WabiSabi™ tofu is now ready to be used in your favourite dish! 

What to do with leftover Tofu? 

Leftover tofu can be stored in a container filled with water in the fridge. Consume it within 2-3 days and keep changing the water daily to preserve the freshness.

Tofu tastes bland, what do I do?

Tofu gets a bad rap for being tasteless, and that is because it is meant to be!

Tofu needs to be seasoned well and it absorbs all sorts of flavours exceptionally. Try some of our favourite ways to have tofu in our Recipes Section or try our exciting range of flavoured Wabi Sabi Tofu including Chilli, Masala and Jeera variants.

What all can I make with Tofu?

Tofu is an extremely versatile ingredient and can be boiled, seared, fried, grilled, blended etc. into a tremendous variety of dishes. It is superbly suited for use in all kinds of Indian dishes due to its ability to absorb Indian spices and flavours exceptionally well.

Please visit our Recipes Section for more ideas.

Can I freeze tofu?

We do not recommend freezing WabiSabi™ Tofu while still in its packaging.

You can however freeze it after taking it out of the packaging. Some recipes require this process in order to alter the texture of the Tofu. It will become spongy in texture and the colour might change to slightly yellow without affecting its fitness for consumption. 

It can be kept in a freezer safe bag or container. To defrost, it is recommended to let it thaw in the refrigerator.

Can I consume uncooked Tofu?

Yes! WabiSabi® Tofu is delicious and safe to consume as it is. Check out our Recipes Section for ideas on how to elevate your Tofu experience.

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